PwC podcast Misjon Vestlandet: / 26 min foredrag (Norsk) Norge 2020
TED x Designing away the fossil plastic society | 8 min forelesning (Engelsk) Bergen NO 2020
TED xNantes / 14 min forelesning (Engelsk) Frankrike 2014
The Design Day / 60 sec. forelesning (Norsk, 20'00") Oslo 2012
LIFT conference / 20 min forelesning (Engelsk) Genève, Sveits 2011
NRK Faktor Idéfabrikken / 30 min dokumentar (Norsk) Nasjonal TV 2007
Kuratert av Ralston Bau
Ideal Lab
Longer Participation / 2011
med Auger & Loizeau, Charlotte Grum, Ola Hovland, Mathieu Lehanneur, Erwin Olaf, Ralston Bau, Ambra Trotto.
Precious Food / 2012
med Siri Berqvam, Marc Bretillot, Julien Dossier, Bertrand Duplat, Runa Klock, Constance Gaard Kristiansen, Anthony Quinn, Ralston Bau, John Thackara, Jo Zarth.
Empathic Home / 2013 med Christophe Berdaguer & Marie Péjus, Cecilie Haaland, Christian Lodegaard, Jeff Pedersen & Idun Losnegård, Miyuki Inoue, Rainer Rosegger, Ralston Bau.
Replanted Identity / 2014 med David Brognon & Stéphanie Rollin, Pierre Dubourg, Laurent Chambon, Ralston Bau, Signe Solberg, Anne Lise Stenseth, Vera & Kyte, Mélanie Buatois, Les M Studio, Margit Seland, Øyvind Wyller.
Cycle of Mutation
Emergence / 2007
med Gunilla Åkesson, Martine Linge, Cathy Cat Rastler, Vegard Fimland, Gonogono, Moriceau & Mrzyk, Patrick Vidal, Laura Annaert
Growth / 2007 med Klub7, Paul Lewthwaite, Ralston Bau, Marius Watz, Torsten Illner, Are Mokkelbost, Geneviève Gauckler, Marco Godinho, Tomas Espedal
Maturation / 2008 med Studio Glithero, Sissel Myklebust, Rita Maurhaug, May Elin Eikås Bjerk
Disappearance / 2008
med Patrick Neu, Maia Urstad, Monica Bonvicini, Michel Blazy, Roman Singer, Mario Garcia Torres, Klaus Speidel, Jean Christophe Norman, David Renaud, Marc Bretillot, Fanny Holmin
Design for the Future
2015 / Gap Japan Editions / Storehagen Atrium prosjekt
ISBN 978-4-86576-034-7
Biennale Internationale Design Saint-Étienne / Le sens du Beau
2015/Cité du Design Éditions/”Replanted Identity”/ Ecole d’Architecture de Saint-Etienne
ISBN 978-2-912808-61-5
Furniture For Interior Design
2014/Laurence King Publishing Ltd/“Sous les Cerisiers”/Side 145
ISBN 978-1-78067-322-6
Good Idea III
2014/Hightone Book Company/“Sous les Cerisier”/Sider 232-233
ISBN 978-986-7022-76-9
Living, Red Dot Design Yearbook 2013/2014
2014/ Edited by Peter Zec/“Shroom”/Side 388
ISBN 978-3-89939-148-0
Visual Image Design, Restaurants & Hotels, Vol.1
2013/Artpower International Publishing Co., Ltd/“Sous les Cerisiers”/Sider 102-105
ISBN 978-988-68243-2-0
Detail in Contemporary Bar and Restaurant Design
2013/Laurence King Publishing Ltd/“Sous les Cerisiers”/Sider 180-183
ISBN 978-1-78067-060-7
Interiør & Møbler
2013/NILs årbok 2013/“Shroom”/Side 54
ISBN 978-82-91194-23-3
Signaletik / Orientierung im Raum
2012/DETAIL – Institut für internationale Architektur-Dokumentation/
”Universal Design – Storehagen Atrium”/Side 87
ISBN 978-3-920034-71-3
Way of the Sign II
2012/Artpower International Publishing Co., Ltd./”Storehagen Atrium”/Sider 166-169
ISBN 978-988-19735-6-6
Mathieu Lehanneur
2012/Die Gestalten Verlag GmbH & Co. KG/”Age of the World”/Side 94
ISBN 978-3-89955-395-6
Design and Design Book of the Year, Volume 4
365 Days Dedicated to Graphic, Packaging & Product Design
2012/Index Book, SL/”Nousaku” 12.05.11
ISBN 978-84-15308-17-1
Signage Design / Michelle Galindo
2012/Braun Publishing AG/”Storehagen Atrium”/Sider 190-1910
ISBN 978-3-03768-091-9
Follow me [2] Wayfinding & Signage System
2012/SendPoints Publishing Co., Limited/”Storehagen Atrium”/Sider 158-161
ISBN 978-988-15625-1-7
Refreshing Offices
2011/Phoenix Publishing Limited/”Studio Hagen”/Sider 126-131
ISBN 978-988-15547-2-7
Wallpaper* City Guide Paris 2011
2011/Phaidon/”Sous les Cerisiers”
ISBN 978-0-7148-5939-2
International Biennial of Design Saint-Étienne
2010/Cité du Design Éditions/”Café Ici et Ailleurs”/Side 28
ISBN 978-2-912808-40-0
Global Trendy Commercial Architecture
2010/Shenzhen Chuangyang Cultural Dissemination Co., Ltd/
“Flagship Showroom, Studio Hagen”/Sider 192-199
ISBN 978-7-5609-6117-0
Culinaire Design / Marc Bretillot
Avec Thierry de Beaumont
2010/Éditions Alternatives/”La disparition”/Sider 138-141
ISBN 978-28-6227-635-9
Design and Design Book of the Year, Volume 2
365 Days Dedicated to Graphic, Packaging & Product Design
2010/Index Book, SL/”Driftig” 25.09.09/”Kystvilt” 20.09.09
ISBN 978-84-92643-41-7
New French Restaurant Design
2009/ICI Consultants/”Sur Un Arbre Perché”/Sider 218-225
ISBN 978-7-5381-5910-3
Design from Scandinavia No 23
2009/World Pictures/”Transplant”/Sider 14-15
ISBN 978-87-87541-83-1
Extreme Restaurants
2008/Tectum Publishers/”Sur Un Arbre Perché”/Sider 110-113
ISBN 978-90-76886-39-8
2008/Alden Forlag/”Paris eller vesle Dale – litt av eit verdival”/Sider 68-69
ISBN 82-91410-15-6
Norwegian Design 08/09
2007/Young Rascal AB/”R&B Studio, Transplant, Mouillette board and
D/S chair & table”/Sider 216-219
ISBN 1651-5226
Design Hotels Yearbook Edition 2007
2006/Design Hotels/”The Other Side”
ISBN-13 978-3899551723
Prospectivebook No 5
2001/”Qu’est-ce que le plaisir Alexandre Bau”/Sider 72-73
Prospectivebook No 4
2000/”Alexandre Bau Designer Télépathe”/Sider 210-215
Designet av Ralston Bau
Snow Play
2010/Artisan (Division of Workman Publishing)
ISBN-13 978-1-57965-405-4
Van Gogh’s Table at the Auberge Ravoux
Edition Heöbeke Paris/Artisan (Division of Workman Publishing)
ISBN-13 978-1579651824
2021 // Arkitektnytt Designer paradigmeskiftet, Observatoire de l'Art Contemporain 2020 // Bioregion bibliotheque / 2018 / Beaux Quartiers / 2015 / Design Alive #15 / D2 Magazine (22.05.15) page 83 / 2013 // Baumeister “Lösungen” / TLmag No 18 / Intramuros No 165 / ArkitekturN 01/13 2012 // ICON nov 2012 / ArkitektNytt oct 2012 / Dagbladet Inne & Ute 3 oct 2012 & 24 oct 2012 / Dagens Næringsliv D2 12 oct 2012 / Aftenposten 14 & 21 sept 2012 / Núcleo de Design Gráfico Ambiental feb 2012 / Maison Actuelle mar/apr 2012 / [ :designcentercroatia ] mar 2012 2011 // Henne No 11 / MM Kreativ apr 2011 / Touch vol.01 / Icon mar 2011 / USA Today 27/01/11 / Dagens Næringsliv No 83 & 94 / Segd Design No 32 2010 // Fast Company nov 2010 / Madame Figaro No 20594 / Elle Interior No 2 / Numéro 109 / Design Interiør 06:10/ Bergens Tidene No 286 / Dagbladet Søndag 7/11/10 / Dagbladet 03/01/10 2009 // Wallpaper dec 2009 / Deco Journal dec 2009 / Icon nov 2009 / ArkitekturN 02/09 / Maison Mat & Vin dec 2009 / ArkitektNytt No 10 2008// Numéro No 93 / Form 02/08 / Hus og Hjem No 162 / Boligavisen No 14 / Perspektiv 2007// Helga 30/11/07 / Dagbladet Søndag 11/11/07 / Dagens Næringsliv No 11 / Dagbladet 19/08/07 & 4/11/07 / Bergens Tidene No 81 2006// Næringsbygg No 9 / Flair Business / BA No 228 / Nyttrom No 4 / Nærings barometeret