Private in the communs
Beginning 2017, we tested the first ideas of the Murmur with simple models in co-working spaces in Oslo and Marseille. Out of the observations and feedbacks we discovered three major insights: Living modular rooms give the experience of a new space. Nature and randomness brings life and value to rooms. Visual confidentiality and echo sound-absorption provide a needed privacy in open spaces.
From the immersive process, point-of-views where extracted, like: "an engaged Community Manager who had a former unfulfilling career, is busy juggling the daily space management with anticipating future content, needs changeable rooms and big light furniture that doesn't get lost, store away without taking space and effortlessly adapt and bring value to any type of event and member, because a successful co-working space is one that is alive and experienced as a new space from one hour to the next, at the same time as it provides individual privacy."
Based on those conclusions, we tested several scenarios and the essence was integrated in MurMur, an extension of ourself in spaces, protecting your thoughts and activities visually and offering a more serene acoustic environment, in any space or situation.