Essential Håg

Håg Tion
for Flokk

Scenarios for a sustainable future workchair.
Transformative Design
with embedded Design Thinking
and circular economy.

Expert participants:
John Thackara, bioregional designer
and Jaana Biedler, CMF strategist

As the leading office furniture manufacturer in Europe, Flokk is at the forefront of sustainable production. In the Essence project we researched peoples workplace needs and sustainable scenarios, to develop the essential work chair of the future. A cross-competent Flokk team participated to the research in an enriching journey through seven European countries, meeting people in their daily worklives, searching insights to inform a new human and sustainable way to use, manufacture and sell seating. Unexpected insights led to innovative departure points for new circular furniture scenarios. Three complete scenarios were designed, inspired from different user needs and developing renewed circular value-chains. The Essence project created a competitive edge to the product development, as the company strategy was activated revalued through people real needs and it reconsidered the way the R&D department and the other parts of the company collaborate. The outcome of Essence project is HÅG Tion, with product launched in November 2021.

European extreme workers

A cross-competent Flokk team participated to the research in an enriching journey through six European countries, meeting people in their daily life in workspaces, from architects, universities, to co-working spaces, searching insights to inform a new human and sustainable way to use, manufacture and sell work chairs. We went to the edges meeting people that are not the usual customer of business seating. Extreme users, younger pre-teen, to older home-workers, experiencing other types of work situations bringing new perspectives into the project.

Essential chair scenario

Unexpected insights led to innovative departure points for new circular furniture scenarios. Three complete scenarios, inspired from different user needs and developing circular value-chains, were designed.


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