Université éphémère
An Ephemeral University, a nursery of idealists!
On October 24th and 25th, 2018, we had the pleasure of creating an Ephemeral University in collaboration with Promising and the Magasin des Horizons in Grenoble. The goal was to create an unprecedented collaboration between 100 students and 12 professors, all from five different universities; ENSAG, ESAD, IUGA, IAE and Sciences-Po Grenoble. Ralston & Bau and Eric Fache built the program around Transformative Design and Design Thinking.
For two days, ten multidisciplinary groups, facilitated by their teachers, designed idealist scenarios (and a dystopian) inspired by their own context and that of the Horizons Store, host of the event. All approached the complexity of their worlds to outline their needs and essential solutions, with a human approach. The students expressed a sincere desire for solutions to the problems in their immediate environment. Skills needed for sustainable post-growing society are at their reach. This gives us confidence in a generation of professionals who will contextualise and provide solutions to any company wanting to be a player in the transition.
On the 24th and 25th of October, a hundred students from Design, Art, Science, Urban Planning and Innovation Management will meet in Grenoble, at the horizons STORE, the National Center of Arts and Culture.
Supervised by their teachers as well as two associated designers from the Horizons Store - Birgitta Ralston & Alexandre Bau (www.ralstonbau.com) - students will have two days to question the ethical and political dimension of design. They will have to build together a critical idea and produce a common in the form of a manifesto.
This ephemeral university is an unprecedented opportunity to work on a common project of students from various schools and backgrounds. The goal is to implement collective design methodologies to establish a critical point of view on design. It will be :
• build and co-build a critical idea through a deliverable that could be called a manifesto,
• to experience a critical co-construction,
• Using the building and group creativity methodologies developed and proven at Promising.
This ephemeral university, organised by Promising and the horizons STORE, was built with:
• Grenoble National School of Architecture (ENSAG)
• Grenoble-Valence School of Art and Design (ESAD)
• Grenoble IAE
• The Institute of Urbanism and Alpine Geography
• Sciences Po Grenoble
A media lab will be deployed and animated by volunteers. It will serve to document and value the event and the work of the students.