Sustainability network

Nordic innovative materials network since 2012

To tackle our current challenges with disfunctionning value chains and clear needs to regionally localised materials sourcing and activities, we created a collection of tools that enhance innovation and supply access to relevant knowledge and network to activate a new modernity: Nordic Materials was born. We are working transversally within research and applied research to define and refine appropriated value chains, suppliers and industries that are participating to the ecological transformation needed to reach a sustainable society. Since 2005, our project "Nordic Materials" has been transmitting and exchanging knowledge of innovative and sustainable materials and processes throughout the Nordic regions from tailored material research, public talks, knowledge resources, network. Working at start in collaboration with the first European resources and research centre in innovative materials, Innovatheque in Paris during the period of 2005 to 2012, it includes nowadays a network with experts from not only Norway but Denmark and Finland; Nordic Materials provides access to an advanced material toolbox and network for creative professionals and industries. We happily served clients such as Snøhetta, Fiskars, Velux, Lego, Vestnes Ocean Group, Haltenbanken, Inventas, Danish Design Center, UMT, MikTech Ltd and Mikkeli University of Applied Sciences from Finland, Art and Design Academy of Bergen, Norwegian Center of Design and Architecture.


The Irregular Notes is a newsletter sharing the Ralston Bau studio research and interventions. It is, as the name says, sent out irregularly two to four times per year.

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