Glacier wayfinding

Designed for the Norwegian Jostedalsbreen national park
Produced by Durat in recycled and recyclable polymer
Norway, 2012

The 1,310 km² Jostedalsbreen national park, is the continental Europe’s largest glacier and Norwegian National Park. Sometimes tiny dirtroads leading to the glacier arm site is several km away from the main road. Therefore it is essential that the wayfinding system stand out and intuitively inform the traveller, as you pass through the gorgeous fjordscape. We designed a wayfinding system inspired by the particular shade of blue of glacier ice and shaped it after the trajectory of it's melting water joining and colouring the fjords in spring. Totems are showing the way to take off and information modules provide the visitor information. The signages are placed on twenty seven information spots around the park.

Jostedalsbreen National Park

The modules are fixed to the surface of the terrain with a metal and wood structure. This structure is then covered with natural materials sourced from the surrounding area to create a natural look, as if the modules have grown from the ground. The modules provide information regarding the surrounding area, and the closer to the glacier, the more specific the information becomes about the glacier. The main material of the modules is a mix of polymers that is 100% recyclable and up to 75% recycled. The blue semi-transparent colour is custom made for this project and called “ice blue”. It was designed by Durat for Ralston & Bau.


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